Real-time scores and stats
powered by SportradarAt Bats
Bases on Balls
Also known as walks.
Batting Average
Hits divided by at bats.
Batting Runs Above Average
Weighted runs above average adjusted for park.
Caught Stealing
Complete Games
Earned Run Average
Earned runs allowed per nine innings pitched.
Earned Run Average Minus
Earned run average adjusted for league and park and scaled such that 100 is league average. Every percentage point below/above 100 is equivalent to one percentage point better/worse than league average.
Earned Runs
Extra-Base Hits
Doubles plus triples plus home runs.
Fielding Independent Pitching
Estimate of a pitcher's run prevention independent of his team's defense. It is scaled to resemble Earned Run Average.
Fielding Independent Pitching Minus
Fielding independent pitching adjusted for league and park and scaled such that 100 is league average. Every percentage point below/above 100 is equivalent to one percentage point better/worse than league average.
Games Started
Ground Into Double Plays
Hit By Pitch
Home Runs
Innings Pitched
Intentional Bases on Balls
Isolated Power
Slugging percentage minus batting average.
On-Base Percentage
Hits plus bases on balls plus hit by pitch, divided by at bats plus bases on balls plus hit by pitch plus sacrifice flies.
On-Base Percentage Plus Slugging Percentage
Also know as OPS.
Per Nine Innings
Add "per nine inningsā to most pitching totals to get the corresponding per-nine-innings average (e.g., strikeouts per nine innings).
Plate Appearances
Runs Batted In
Sacrifice Flies
Sacrifice Hits
Slugging Percentage
Total bases divided by at bats.
Stolen Base Percentage
Stolen bases divided by stolen bases plus caught stealing.
Stolen Bases
Total Bases
Singles, plus two times doubles, plus three times triples, plus four times home runs.
Total Batters Faced
Also known as bases on balls.
Walks Plus Hits Per Inning Pitched
Also known as WHIP.
Weighted On-Base Average
Rate statistic that combines singles, doubles, triples, home runs, unintentional bases on balls, and hit by pitch into one metric, weighting each of them in proportion to their actual run value.
Weighted Runs Above Average
Number of offensive runs a player has contributed to his team compared to a league average player, where league average is equal to zero.
Weighted Runs Created
Number of offensive runs a player has contributed to his team.
Weighted Runs Created Plus
Weighted runs created per plate appearance, adjusted for league and park and scaled such that 100 is league average. Every percentage point above/below 100 is equivalent to one percentage point better/worse than league average.
Wild Pitches
Winning Percentage
Wins, divided by wins plus losses.