Real-time scores and stats
Accurate passes (PASS)
Aerials lost (AER-L)
Aerial: Two outfield players compete for the ball, with either both players jumping or only one jumping and the other contesting the header by making it difficult to win, where one player wins the contest with a header
Aerials won (AER-W)
Assists (A)
Betting odds
Big 6 stats
Stats filtered for Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, Man City, Man United and Tottenham combined
Big chances created (BCC)
A pass which led to a clear scoring opportunity e.g. one-on-one situation or a shot from just a few yards out
Big chances missed (BCM)
A clear-cut scoring opportunity which was not converted or scored
Blocked crosses (BLK-CRS)
Total number of opposition crosses blocked
Braces (BRACE)
Clean sheets (CS)
Clearances (CLR)
Conversion rate (CONV%)
Non-penalty goals per non-penalty shot attempts
Corners (CNR)
Corners won (CNR-W)
Crosses (CRS)
Crossing% (CRS%)
Debut stats
Derby stats
Dispossessed (DISPOSS)
Number of times a player loses the ball by getting tackled
Dribble attempts (DRIB-ATT)
Dribble% (DRIB%)
Successful dribbles per dribble attempts
Duels lost (DUEL-L)
Number of 50/50 contests lost
Duels won (DUEL-W)
Number of 50/50 contests won
Errors leading to goal (ERR-G)
Errors leading to shot (ERR-SH)
Form (FORM)
How a team has performed over the last 5 matches
Fouls committed (FOUL)
Fouls won (FOULED)
Free kick goals (FK)
G/A (G+A)
Goal difference (GD)
Goals (G)
Goals conceded (GC or GA)
Hat-tricks (HT)
Head-to-head stats
Historical matches
Historical tables
Interceptions (INT)
A defending player intercepts a pass between opposition players
Key passes (PASS-KEY)
The final pass from a player to their teammate who then makes an attempt on goal without scoring
Last man tackles (TKL-LM)
A player makes a defensive action/tackle and is the last person between the opponent and the goal
Long ball passes (PASS-LNG)
Passes longer than 35 yards
Manager stats
Minutes played (MIN)
Non-penalty goals (NPG)
Offsides (OFF)
Open play goals (G-OP)
Open play xG (xG-OP)
Own goals (OG)
Pass% (PASS%)
Pass attempts (PASS-ATT)
Passes in the final third (PASS-F3RD)
Penalties conceded (PKC)
Penalties saved (SV-PK)
Penalties won (PK-W)
Penalty conversion rate (PK%)
Penalty goals (PK)
Per 90 stats
Stats per 90 minutes
Player comparions
Possession% (POSS%)
Possessions lost (POSS-L)
Post-shot xG (PSxG)
Preferred foot
Recoveries (REC)
A player takes possession of a loose ball
Red cards (RC)
Saves (SV)
Second yellow cards (2ND-YC)
Set piece goals (G-SP)
Set piece xG (xG-SP)
Shot% (SH%)
Shots (SH)
Shots blocked (SH-BLK)
Shots off target
Shots on target (SOT)
Starts (START)
Stats by age
Terms like U19, U23 is supported
Stats by nationality
Stats by positions
Successful dribbles (DRIB)
Tackle attempts (TKL)
Tackles won (TKL-W)
Through balls (THRU-BALL)
A completed pass splitting the defence for a teammate to run onto
Touches (TCH)
Touches in opposition box (TCH-BOX)
Woodwork hit (WOOD)
xA (xA)
xG (xG)
Yellow cards (YC)