dji closing prices february 1984

The closing price for the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJI) in February 1984 was $1,154.63, on February 29, 1984. It was down 5.4% for the month. The latest price is $42,732.13.

February 29 1984
February 28 1984
February 27 1984
February 24 1984
February 23 1984
February 22 1984
February 21 1984
February 17 1984
February 16 1984
February 15 1984
February 14 1984
February 13 1984
February 10 1984
February 09 1984
February 08 1984
February 07 1984
February 06 1984
February 03 1984
February 02 1984
February 01 1984
Daily pricing data for the Dow Jones Industrial Average dates back to 1/2/1950, and may be incomplete.